The tan lines will fade, but the memories won’t…
Ah, summer camp. The sun-drenched days filled with games, cheers and crafts, and the campfire nights of toasting marshmallows on the shores of Shubael Pond — not to mention skill-building, creating memories and bonding with friends children often keep forever. That’s what we call,”good ol’ camp fun!”
“Fair Acres has provided an amazing summer camp experience for our children. They count down the days until camp starts, and have only the best daily reports of their time at camp. The owners, staff, and camp counselors are absolutely wonderful. I feel so lucky to have this beautiful place so close to our home, and love that my children get to have an old fashioned, healthy, outdoor summer camp experience.” ~ Amy Powers

“It’s the best camp ever! I want to go forever and be a counselor when I get older!” ~ Olivia Powers

“Fair Acres is my favorite place ever! I love it so much! I love all the games we play and how the counselors play with us all the time.” Quinn Powers

“My favorite part of summer camp was making new friends and being around my counselors – they were so much fun. I love them!” ~ Haven Hill
“At camp, you have the chance to experience so many different activities and meet so many people. This summer I really improved my swimming and soccer skills.” ~ Colt Hill

“My favorite part of Fair Acres is hanging out with the counselors, they are fun, kind, always play, and help when you need it!” ~ Evey Abbo

“I love that it is such a friendly environment, no one is ever bored, their is always something going on or something to do!” ~ Maddy Perry

“My favorite part of Fair Acres is the big playground, because I love playing with friends on the train! I love to swim too, especially diving for rings!” ~ Fiona Woodbrey, 2016 Blackbear

“I want to give a huge shout out to Curt and Jodi because my family trusts them to keep me safe and to hire counselors to have fun and always make sure we are enjoying each and everyday! Thank you Curt and Jodi!” ~ Jenna Schmit

“I have met so many new friends this summer, it is so cool because I look forward to seeing them again all year, which is why the summer is so great! Oh, and I can’t forget about Campfire Night, playing the camp-wide game and roasting s’mores by the campfire!” ~ Ally Webb

Share your camp memories with us at info@fairacrescapecod.com!